Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A few bricks shy of a load

In the working world we come across all types of people. There's the go getter who is always trying to impress. The slacker who sits on their ass in the break room half the day talking to anyone who will listen. And then there is Barbie.
I hired Barbie over the phone which was my first mistake. A lot of big corps do phone interviews first before they bring you in for an interview so I figured what the hell, I could do that. You can learn a lot about someone over the phone. She was articulate, sweet, and had the experience I was looking for. Of course with any new hire they try to impress the first few days. Then their true colors come out. Last Friday, two hours before her shift she calls," So like I got like a new job and like I don't think I can work for you anymore." I thought it was customary to give the employer two weeks notice. Especially if you don't want a bad name in a small town. However when you are not sure which way is left, one day could feel like two weeks. Actually, any time spent with Barbie felt like two weeks! So I asked her if she was giving me notice. Her response was " Well do I have to? They like kinda like want me to start tonight." Are you kidding me! The lack of respect from these 20 something all about me kids is driving me mental. So you can guess what my answer was. So I'm thinking on her last check I could tell her she owes ME money since anyone who is in her presence becomes dumber! Has it been two weeks already?!